Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Simplifying Life

My last post wasn't very well thought out, and was basically a stream of consciousness.  That is pretty much how it's going to be for a little while.  I'm trying to figure out what I really want to accomplish, and how that fits in with the rest of the family.  

I know a few things that I want out of life.  I want things to be simple.  I want to be happy.  I want to have small adventures.  These seem like such simple statements, but each one will require a change in my own thinking and habits.  I'll start with wanting for things to be more simple:

I started my new year by focusing on my home.  I'm one of five people living there, and I feel like I do most of the housework.  Whether or not this is true, I can't' say - I've only my own viewpoint to look through.  FlyLady is helping me out a bit - she's all about starting habits and "blessing your home".  So, first order of business is getting me to look at housework a little differently.  I enjoy a clean home.  I love cooking in a clean kitchen.  How do I not get angry at all the messes?

Establish a few routines:
Morning routine:
  1. Wipe off counters, sinks, and shower
  2. Get dressed
  3. Load of laundry into the wash (set on delay so by the time I come home it's ready for the dryer)
  4. Water
  5. Empty Dishwasher
  6. Make bed (assuming everyone is out of it)
  7. Make myself a cup of coffee and some breakfast
This is not done in any particular order.  It takes about 30 minutes (mostly because our coffee pot died and now I'm making an americano with our old espresso machine).

After work routine:
  1. Start dinner (pressure cooker, leftovers, or oven meals are the BEST!)
  2. Clean clothes into dryer

This is where I am trying to get the children responsible for more chores.  Right now it's 15 minutes cleaning your room (I check for the floor at least to be clean, and if we get that straightened out, will work on the dresser tops and *gasp* closet and drawers).  We're also starting with the bathroom – wiping down sinks and counters. Dinner takes 30 minutes usually, and the kids and set the table.  

After Dinner Routine:
  1. Get the laundry and fold/put away 
  2. Put dishes in the dishwasher (Family Chore - everyone is responsible for their own dishes)
  3. Clean kitchen (Hand wash all dishes that need it, wipe off counters)
  4. Pick out what to wear tomorrow

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