Saturday, February 17, 2018

Following those "Simple Living" Peeps? Me, too

Hi there. 

I admit it.  I am thrilled at the thought of living a minimalist lifestyle: owning a tiny home, making my living doing a blog, and biking everywhere while donning my uniform of comfortable jeans and a nice quality- ethically produced tee-shirt.  I imagine myself doing all those cool things, being chill, and being with my kids.  Oh yeah, drinking coffee, reading philosophy books, attending those art shows...

I am a failure at this lifestyle.  Mr. Money Mustache may call me a wuss for not riding my bike or walking to get to work or run errands.  (I would disagree.)  The Minimalists might challenge me to look at what I truly value, and check my calendar to make sure that it does reflect my values.  (I have a lot of things I value in life - most of them are not material).  I might be a disappointment for those in the ranks of minimalism/tough-assity/simplicity movement.  Self-righteous @$$es that make me want to pull my hair out for their "advice"!

But I listen and read them anyway.  I'm still fascinated at the lifestyle.

I actually identify with MMM the most.  He seems to keep his life crazy busy.  This is how I prefer to live my life.  I'm not sure why.  I always dream of having days off.  I love my three day weekends.  I really love when I have three day weekends where I have nothing planned.  However, within 24 hours of a three day weekend, I end up filling it with things I should do.  (I'm also an anti-procrastinator.) 

I keep trying.  Hell, this last month I took up meditating just so I knew what it was like to do nothing...just to be.  It's hard as hell!  I've mentioned it to a lot of people, and everyone says the same thing.  "I just can't do it."  Well, let me tell you, that's the problem.  No one can "do" it, and that's the point (I think).  My mind goes all over the place, and I'm so tempted to get up and do the thing, or write down a note, or itch my nose. 

I keep trying.  I ride my bike to work whenever I have the energy and safety isn't too much of a concern.  (I'm sorry MMM, I am not going to ride my bike 8 miles, in the dark, 10 degrees F with 30 MPH winds.  I hate cold.  It stays dark here in the northern states during the winter time.)  I also have kids that might appreciate me getting them home safely.

I keep trying.  I was not going to spend any money on new things in January.  I bought socks.  I think I bought a book, too.  I failed at that one, too, Non-Consumer Advocate.

But I got this one right.  I've had this espresso machine for around 15 years.  It's been on a deployment in the dessert.  A good cup of coffee seems to be a common thread with all those minimalism/tough-assity/simplicity movement people.  (Can't there just be one word?  Non-sheep people?  Calm-down about your social status people?  The Jones's Next Door Neighbor with the unkempt lawn?  Oh, that's me...)

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